ThursdayJul 27, 2023 11:30 am

Freight Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ: FRGT) Keeping a Close Eye on FMCSA Speed Limiter Rule, Amid Growing Debate and Displeasure from OOIDA

The FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) proposed a rule mandating speed limiters for most commercial vehicles The ATA has supported the move, while OOIDA (Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association) has opposed it, terming it as an attempt to eliminate one of the few advantages they enjoy over big business The FMCSA is yet to communicate its decision on the matter, pending its review of over 15,000 comments on the issue Freight Technologies (NASDAQ: FRGT) (“Fr8Tech”), a tech company on a mission to revolutionize cross-border shipping by offering carriers increased growth opportunities and shippers with flexibility, visibility, and simplicity, is…

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TuesdayJul 25, 2023 9:45 am

D-Wave Quantum Inc. (NYSE: QBTS) Accelerates Commercial Quantum Adoption As Business and Government Interest in Quantum Computing Grows

D-Wave is working with a portfolio of impressive commercial customers including Mastercard, Deloitte, ArcelorMittal, Siemens Healthineers, Unisys, NEC Corporation, Pattison Food Group Ltd., DENSO, Lockheed Martin, and many more Governments worldwide are calling for the implementation of quantum applications – with the United States pushing for development and deployment of quantum applications within the next 24 months D-Wave, the world’s first commercial quantum computing solutions supplier, is successfully filling the increasing quantum needs of customers along with the growing interest of the government for expanding quantum technology D-Wave Quantum (NYSE: QBTS), a leader in commercial quantum computing systems, software, and…

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MondayJul 24, 2023 10:30 am

Freight Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ: FRGT) Collaboration With Trucker Tools Boosts Strength of Shipping Networks in United States

Freight Technologies (aka Fr8Tech) is a growing commercial freight transportation technology developer whose flagship Fr8App platform helps shippers and carriers easily match loads and destinations in the USMCA Trucker Tools is a trip planning, shipment visibility, predictive freight matching and automated booking solutions company that has developed its flagship Smart Capacity(R) platform Fr8Tech recently announced integration of Trucker Tools’ network, boosting the pool of truck drivers able to use Fr8App by more than 315,000 carriers The collaboration is expected to increase the offers on loads by 75 percent and grow the carrier network for loads originating from and destined to…

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WednesdayJul 19, 2023 10:30 am

Data443 Risk Mitigation Inc. (ATDS) Employs Cyber Threat Intelligence Solutions as it Helps Businesses Stay Ahead of Cyber Criminals

Businesses around the world are expected to face as many as 33 billion data breaches throughout 2023 Increasingly, businesses are finding that firewalls and antivirus software are unable to keep hackers at bay Cyber Threat Intelligence (“CTI”), a data collection tactic that allows companies to better assess the potential threats they face, has become an increasingly valuable tool in helping businesses address their vulnerabilities Data443 Risk Mitigation’s CTI-enabled product suite has been designed to provide businesses with an array of tools designed to help safeguard their data Cyber-attacks have become an increasingly ubiquitous facet of modern business; in 2023 alone,…

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TuesdayJul 18, 2023 9:45 am

Cepton, Inc. (NASDAQ: CPTN) Accelerates Intelligent Lidar Solutions Critical to Vehicle Safety and Road Management

Cepton advances lidar technology that integrates into traffic systems, intersections, and ADAS-powered vehicles to improve passenger and pedestrian safety Through partnerships with leading global OEMs, CPTN enables ADAS mass-market commercialization with ultra-compact, high-performance, and cost-effective lidar solutions CPTN’s Helius(R) Smart Lidar System was recently deployed in government-funded pedestrian safety projects in Texas and Utah Other applications of CPTN's lidar technology include airport terminal monitoring, security systems, crowd analytics, railway obstacle detection, e-tolling, and traffic management Lidar - a combination of the words “light detection and ranging” – is a sensing technology that sends out laser pulses and measures the time…

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MondayJul 10, 2023 10:30 am

D-Wave Quantum Inc. (NYSE: QBTS) Technology Ready to Answer Call of Proposed Legislation for Near-Term Quantum Applications to Solve Optimization Problems

Legislation presented to Congress calls for the United States government to develop and adopt near-term quantum computing – some within 24 months or less for developing and deploying demos, proofs of concepts, and pilots Global government spending on quantum application development is expected to reach $36 billion during 2023 D-Wave offers quantum solutions to help government and public sector develop applications that can solve important optimization problems Recent legislation presented to Congress calls for the United States government to develop and adopt near-term quantum computing applications to solve complex public sector optimization problems, which could include electrical grid resilience, optimization…

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MondayJul 10, 2023 9:45 am

Data443 Risk Mitigation Inc. (ATDS) Upgrades Product Offering; Committed to Enabling Businesses to Manage Data Privacy in Cloud, Hybrid Environments

Data is one of the most valuable and critical assets for today's businesses, but with cyber-attacks on the rise it can quickly become one of their greatest liabilities Alarming statistics reveal that the number of security executives reporting security incidents in software-as-a-service environments surged from 43% to 55% over the past two years, with data leakage as the most common type of security incident, followed by malicious apps, data breaches, and ransomware Amid the current climate of ongoing data breach news, Data443 Risk Mitigation aims to cement its position as the provider of "All Things Data Security" by continuing to…

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FridayJul 07, 2023 9:00 am

Electronic Servitor Publication Network Inc. (XESP) Shows How Their Disruptive Technology and Processes Drive the Results CEOs are Demanding

XESP is a market disruptor offering cutting-edge data analysis and intelligent technology to help companies reach their target markets The company’s Digital Engagement Engine(TM) technology platform provides clients with meaningful connections that guide their audiences from awareness to action Electronic Servitor Publication Network’s disruptive solution helps clients maintain complete control of their content while dynamically connecting with current and new audiences to drive growth Electronic Servitor Publication Network (OTCQB: XESP) is a market disruptor focused on connecting companies with target audiences to drive predictable growth. XESP’s managed service provides B2B clients with cutting-edge data analysis and intelligent technology to help…

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WednesdayJul 05, 2023 10:30 am

Freight Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ: FRGT) Contract Renewal Indicates Company’s Success in Supporting International Transports

Freight Technologies (aka Fr8Tech) has developed a technology solution that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence (“AI”) to help shipping and freighting companies optimize product transports and avoid costly errors Fr8Tech recently announced that one of its top clients, multinational insulation manufacturing company K-FLEX de México SA de CV, renewed its contract for using Fr8Tech’s core tech solution, Fr8App K-FLEX cited Fr8App’s benefits to the company during the difficult COVID-19 pandemic period and beyond as K-FLEX expanded its operations and approaches $1 billion in annual revenues Fr8Tech is continuing to expand its technology frontiers with the establishment of a dedicated…

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